I can't believe this is my last blog of senior year. Wow, has it been a great year. So many great memories made and so many great friends that I will miss. This english class has been a great part of my senior year with all the blogs and great books and great freinds and great tests and great essays and a great teacher ;). I can't believe my entire Buckley career is over. I've been here since kingerdarten and its all coming to an end. Wow and what kan I even say? I know what to say. I loved it. I love you. I love you Dr. Forman. I cherish you, and I cherish our friendship, and I cherish our love. I can honestly say that. And what? I'm not ashamed. Call me a liar. Call me Mr bag of lies. And it wont be true. No but let's be real, I've really loved this senior year and everyone that I've had the priviledge of sharing it with. I've made so many great memories that I'll never forget and continue to think about throughout college. I've truly had so much fun with all of you.
With love,
Brandon Wong